“I am a daughter of the Lord and I’m passionate about discipleship and growing the Kingdom of God…”
Hi There! I’m Anna a lover of Jesus and a big foodie 🙂
I am a daughter of the Lord and I’m passionate about discipleship and growing the Kingdom of God.
My desire is to see lives transformed by the truth and presence of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. I am by no means perfect however as I press towards the mark I pray that my brothers and sisters will be inspired to walk alongside me as we grow in our Father’s love.
I was baptized at age six which marked the beginning of my journey with the Lord although to be honest He has done more carrying than I have done walking! I love my family and friends and enjoy connecting with them as we do life together. My love of writing began at an early age as a way to help me cope with life’s stressors. I had no thought however to start a blog and it was the prompting of a close friend which led me to even consider beginning writing this blog.
I have also served in youth and intercessors ministry for the past five years in my local church. My experience in local church ministry has humbled and inspired me as I serve according to the Lord’s leading. I am excited a lot and nervous a little at the thought of sharing on this platform! This is a step of faith and bravery for me but I know He will carry me on this journey even as He always has been. Join me as we learn and grow together as sons and daughters of God!