I cried out to the Lord asking Him to come with refreshing and revival.
It’s a word that evokes various feelings and imagery in our hearts. As a child of God I’ve been acquainted with the passion of the Lord. There has never been a doubt in my mind that God has been passionate about me. The story is about His passionate pursuit of me all the way to the cross! I’ve had passion for the Lord. There are days when I feel like I could go the distance, climb any mountain to see His face. There are days however, when I can barely muster up a Hallelujah. Everything seems dry. There’s no passion. The fire has grown cold.
I’ll never forget the day when I was feeling out of sorts and my fire for the Lord was low. I cried out to the Lord asking Him to come with refreshing and revival. He turned to me and said, ‘Will you fight for me?’ He said if I am your everything, if I am your love will you fight to keep me in your life? Will you hold unto me? It floored me. Changed my perspective on things.
Growing up I loved to read romance novels. One novel in particular the Hero had a family creed that said ‘To have and to hold’. It struck a chord in me because it spoke of effort. Just like the lord was asking. It spoke of passion. To hold unto someone requires effort. To go all the way to the cross requires effort.
If passion is a fire then it needs tending. It will require some effort to keep that fire ablaze. I’ll have to stoke it with the Word and watch over it diligently so that the minute the fire dips low we can stir it up again so that it never grows cold. I believe the lord is wanting to release His fire into our lives but He’s looking for passionate people to give His fire to. He’s looking for people who will tend His fire. People who will make Him their everything. Where you are my light and love and I cherish your presence. I carry your Holy word like my most prized possession so I walk with utmost care lest I drop you. Where I watch you to cater to you so you’re never neglected. So your every need is met. Where I faithfully love you even when I don’t feel like it so that you know that you can trust me with your fire because I’ll never take you for granted.
“If passion is a fire then it needs tending. It will require some effort to keep that fire ablaze.”
Does that not sound like passion to you? Does that not sound like a passionate heart? every statement in the above paragraph is one of action. Is one of effort. God will send His revival fire to the heart that is passionate about him. Know this. Before you were ever passionate about Him, He was passionate about you. He watches over you. Sends His word to heal you. Sings songs that reminds you of His love. Draws you to His side with loving-kindness. Went to the cross when everyone tried to deter Him, he pressed on wards for you. So be encouraged. Come into relationship with Him. Come and blaze with Him in Holy love. Knowing that when you draw near to Him; He draws near to you. It’s a glorious love affair better than any romance novel. This love is Eternal and Holy. This love is filled with the power to give you everlasting life!
It’s a glorious love affair better than any romance novel.
So answer the call of the Lord. Come up Higher. Come into relationship with Jesus.
I pray to be a steward of your Holy flame. I pray to be one whom you can trust with your fire. I pray to be one who will be passionate about your Holy love. I pray you will raise up others who will be faithful stewards with me. I offer up my heart to be a carrier of your fire, to be a steward of your holy flame. For we are ministers of your fire lord called to tend your Holy flame. We are meant to be passionate about you.